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Carly believes that her Service in life is to empower others into their True Knowing. Through energy work, she helps clients activate and hold the highest possible frequency and support the lifting consciousness. She uses a blend of modalities in her healing practice, including Channeled Work, Esoteric Healing, Reiki, and Sound. The method depends on the energy and need of the client and typically varies between sessions. Energy work has the capacity to take you along a profound path of healing, growth, and spiritual deepening.

What is Channeled Healing with Carly?

For the last several years, Carly has been receiving guidance during energy sessions. As she learned to allow the Higher Guidance to more fully shape the flow of sessions, the way she works has shifted. The aspects of this modality are constantly evolving, and she often receives instruction during session for a new way of understanding or affecting energy. She describes this modality as working "beyond the brain" because the work that's happening is at a level beyond what the mental body can accommodate (there isn't always an explanation for what's happening). In some ways, especially when working at high levels of consciousness, it becomes a more effective way to work. She Channels Light Language that often comes through in whispers and hand gestures, and provides "downloads" for clients. She also uses what she likes to call "Heart Fire" (Monad/Ray 12 energy) to revitalize flow and potentiate balance. When lifting distortions connected to "other lifetimes," Carly is working with a multi-dimensional map of energetic points, and the connections between them.  

What is Esoteric Healing? 

Esoteric Healing is the science of healing the energy field with Spiritual Healing Principles and Sacred Geometry. It has been described as "an act of directing the energy of love from soul to soul, using the intelligent mind" (Alan Hopkin). It is a type of energy healing that originated from the teachings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul and focuses on balancing the flow of energy through working with the subtle energies of the etheric (energy) body to balance the chakras and other vital energy points. When there is an energy restriction, blockage, or deficit, it is often associated with physical body dis-ease, emotional turmoil, and/or mental alterations. These challenges are often present in the energy field before they manifest in the physical body. Carly connects with her clients and is able to "read" the areas of the energy field that are congested or weak.  It is her intent to restore the energy field to a more flowing and healthy state. You may feel light movement or feel the effects immediately, but often you will feel the full effect of the treatment afterward. Carly recommends you spend time quietly during and after your session to facilitate your healing response.

What is Reiki? 

Reiki can be translated as Universal Life Energy and the Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Usui System of Natural Healing) is a way of working with Reiki for the healing of self and others. Healing is used in the idea of returning the sense of separation back to oneness and harmony. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person- on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Energy work does not claim to cure, but Medical studies show that Reiki treatments reduce stress and stress reactions, lower blood pressure, lower heart and respiration rates, reduce bleeding and pain, raise red blood cell count, help insomnia, and calm anxiety.

 Book Your First Session Here



In short, it is Carly's intent to Empower you into your Knowing- to help you flow energy in the most life-enhancing way. She intends to honor and align with the depth of who you are. She never aligns with the "problem" the "condition," or the "emotional distress." These are like nails that have been pounded into you. To constantly focus on them is to drive the nails even deeper. 

Instead, by holding the "problem," "situation," or "desire" lightly, Carly is able to dance around "it" so you can begin to de-stress and tonify to raise your vibratory rate. Your cells detox and purify, becoming more efficient and healthier. Your emotions lighten and your mind clarifies as your vibration increases. Your frequency transforms. Working this way is more like having numerous nails situated in a block of ice. When the vibratory rate of the block of ice raises and melts, all the nails can be freed. When Carly works with your energy, she works with frequency and vibratory rate. 

Her intent is to facilitate your inner transformation and expansion with as much gentleness, ease, and grace as possible. The modalities she works with are interwoven to create a unique and individualized experience for you. She dances with the modalities, listening to and feeling your tonal qualities. Instead of using an overlay of what she thinks would be good for you, she helps facilitate an unfolding and refining of the unique and exquisite being you already are, aligning with Soul on a Causal Level- and Beyond.

Sometimes you'll talk during sessions, other times she may focus on frequency and work in silence to allow your physical and etheric bodies to begin resonating with a more life-enhancing inflow. Sessions start off by talking a bit- about you, your health, your intent, etc. She uses a combination of tools and modalities aligning with your Soul's Higher Plan. Sometimes this includes transmitting Light Language, other times she'll work with energetic maps and Sacred Geometry to enliven energetic points.  Carly specializes in Distance Energy Work and sessions are done via zoom or phone.

During your session, Carly asks that you are fully present. She recommends you take notes (you may record your session), and drink plenty of water after your session. Some clients can feel the energy move as Carly works, but you shouldn't be alarmed if you don't. The adjusted frequencies often need time to integrate, and Carly recommends getting a good night's sleep after a session.  The number and frequency of sessions varies per client and depending on the work you're doing. Carly can help create a session schedule that works for you.

 Book Your First Session Here



From a very young age, Carly has been fascinated with Mysticism. For nearly 25 years, she has explored the study of Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, Energetic Principles, Healing, Theosophy, and Alchemy. Throughout her childhood, she would astral travel and "know things". In her teens and 20s, she manifested incredible obstacles and experienced a series of traumas & Near-Death Experiences. All of these initiatory instances have taught her important lessons and assisted her on her journey as a Healer and Lightworker. She has spent the last 20+ years healing through energy work, forgiveness, and other beautiful Spiritual practices, and has transformed her life from one of struggle and strife to one of (mostly) love and harmony. With that comes a responsibility to empower others to do the same.

In short, Carly is an Energetic Healing Channel. She has come to appreciate that her function in energy work is to empower people into their own Knowing- to help them clear blocks and flow with the Truth of who and what they already are. She is an Ordained Minister, Level 4 Esoteric Healer, Sound Healer, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Psychopomp, and Psychic. She has worked with many teachers and Guides over the years to empower herself with a greater understanding of the Soul and Universal Principles. For the last 5+ years, Carly has been channeling in bits and pieces of a new Healing Modality that she has realized is "beyond the brain". She and her clients are finding that it's highly effective and fascinating to work with.

To support her intent to Empower people into their knowing, Carly offers a variety of Spiritually-based services including Hands-On and Distance Energy Work, Intuitive Coaching, Crystal Grids & Home Healings, Psychopomp Services, Dowsing, Custom Smudge Tools, Energy-infused products, Meditations, Sound Baths, Retreats, Reiki Classes & more. (Membership options & Mystery School Classes are coming soon!) Her goal is to assist each client on their journey to help them Understand and Live their life's purpose. Through this blend of Channeling, Healing Modalities, and Native Traditions, Carly is able to offer a truly unique experience to help her clients build their Spiritual Resources & Create their lives on purpose. Carly lives on Whidbey Island, Washington with her husband Vince and two dogs (fur kids) Casey and Leo. In her spare time, she loves adventures, foraging moss in the forest and making terrariums, Earth Healing work, reading, talking to plants, and a variety of abstract creative expressions. 

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